Orban was a Hitler for a while there, because he wasn’t fully onboard with all the western agenda.

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Boris Freaking Johnson was Hitler for a while too. It's a game with no end.

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Wonderful article and key point. One of my college professors used to call this phenomenon "flogging the nazis" and he also argued it arose more often than it should.

I agree that better comparisons would serve us better. Perhaps this is a reflection of the US having a relatively short history as a nation -- in comparison to say younger countries that can also claim to have a history (or at least a recorded history).

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Isn’t it just a political smoke and mirrors, a type of projection(I know that’s not quite the right word)?… “if we call him Hittler enough times the useful idiots will start to believe us, because anyone advocating for mutilation of confused minors obviously can’t think for themselves, and…. they’ll miss noticing we’re going for the title of modern day Stalin(you know, trying to jail our political opponents)”

Politicians have always been pretty much lowly scum, then about a hundred years ago Hillary & Pelosi entered stage left to sink it to new levels

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The better comparison is to Stalin, anyway.

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