This is all very fascinating. I'm listening to the History of Rome Podcast right now (for the 2nd time, first in many years) and heard him talk about Caecus and had to look him up to see if anyone had written something like this.

I'm glad I found you, this seems like my kind of publication.

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Name two significant accomplishments Biden has made.

I'd even go so far as to extend that back to his Senate days.

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I'm puzzled by the 'similar enthusiasm for public works'. ACC has the Apian Way and the Appian Aqueduct, both of which still exist in some form. Apart from rhetoric about building a nonexistent wall, how does Trump compare?

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You're right. With Trump it was mostly talk. Definitely nothing like Appian Way.

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? Don't see the 'similarities'-Trump is an inarticulate meathead...a draft dodging,phony tough guy, fraud...

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So who is the going to call bluff?

Wrong is trying to take notices

The outcome will be vital for all to hear.

I felt the connection with Trump and his daughter.

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Impossible to tell right now...

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